Give and Grow

The panelists for York Story Slam’s first virtual slam on April 21.

The panelists for York Story Slam’s first virtual slam on April 21.

The theme for our April story slam - our first-ever virtual slam - was MAN vs BEAST, and we had eight storytellers. We heard stories about encounters with wild animals, stories about family pets, and one story about facing fear - the beast within. Jason Sabol won with his story about his childhood pet, and his last days with Jason’s family. Thanks to Meagan Given for being our MC for the evening.

Jason won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Big thanks to our 2020 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible and keeping ticket prices low.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We know that now, more than ever, we’re all hungry for connecting with other people, and we believe sharing stories is among the best ways to do that. We’re so glad to have a way to gather even while we’re all staying home.

Registration for our May story slam will be open soon. The theme is GROWING PAINS, and the event will once again be held online via Zoom webinar, for free. Corey Wolfe will be our MC.

In the meantime, we’d like to remind you that May 1 is the third annual Give Local York, York’s community-wide online day of giving. York Story Slam will participate for the first time this year. We have a modest fundraising goal of $1,000, and we’re already on our way to reaching it - many of the participants in our virtual story slam in April made contributions, for a total of nearly $450. These contributions will be added to our Give Local York campaign. If you’d like to make a contribution, you can do so during Give Local York on May 1.