That's Gonna Leave A Mark

Maddie Crocenzi

Maddie Crocenzi

Our theme this month was SCARS. We heard 12 stories - stories of actual physical scars, emotional scars, and even one very recent injury that promises to be a future scar. Kevin Reinmiller won with his story about waking up the morning after a party.

Kevin is pictured here with this month's host, AJ Myers. Kevin won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned the final spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We announced the theme for our 2018 Grand Slam: SATISFACTION.  We're excited to once again host it in the beautiful Capitol Theatre on November 20. Our MC for the evening will be our 2016 Grand Slam champion, Brad Jennings. Tickets are on sale now.