Hometown Hero Attends Story Slam, Wins

Jeff Lautenberger

Jeff Lautenberger

Our theme this month was Hometown Heroes. We heard stories about family, neighbors, and other everyday heroes who had an impact on the storytellers' lives. Jason Plotkin won with his story about lessons learned from people he encountered as a photojournalist, and the heroism of supporting people who face challenges.

Jason is pictured here with this month's host, Luanne Sims (right), and his wife, Melissa (left), who is featured in his story. Jason won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our May story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

March Event Snowed Out

Sorry to say that our March story slam has been canceled due to inclement weather. It will not be rescheduled. If you purchased tickets, we have sent you an email (via Brown Paper Tickets) with your options.

Hope everyone stays warm and safe, and that we see you at our April event. Since York will be gearing up for Give Local York, the first-ever community-wide, 24-hour philanthropic giving event, our theme is HOMETOWN HEROES. Our host will be Pennsylvania story slam superstar Luanne Sims.

Loving and Losing

Jeff Lautenberger

Jeff Lautenberger

Our theme this month was Love and Loss. We heard stories about losing loved ones, lessons learned from love, and even a few about beloved inanimate objects. Matt McDunnell won with his story about losing his family's vacation home.

Matt is pictured here with this month's host, Eileen Joyce. Matt won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned the first spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our March story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Animal Tales.

Season Three is Off and Running

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Celebration. We heard stories about big wins in sports, landmark birthdays, and special occasion food. Phil Broder won with his story about the dangers of participating in holiday celebrations when visiting foreign countries.

Phil is pictured here with this month's host, Philip Given. Phil won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned the first spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our February story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Love and Loss.

Celebrate Good Times - Come On!

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

We had a blast at our Grand Slam in November, and now we're ready to kick off our third season of live storytelling.

We've gotten the green light from Holy Hound Taproom to take over their back room again on the third Tuesday of the month in 2018 and we've selected our themes for the year

Our first Story Slam of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16, and the theme is CELEBRATION. We want to hear your stories about ways you've observed milestones in your life, times you've honored a loved one, and times you've let loose. However you interpret this month's theme, we look forward to hearing your true stories.

We are also pleased to announce that tickets for our January event will be FREE once again this year, thanks to the Cultural Alliance of York County. The Cultural Alliance will host their second annual “CelebrateARTS” week of free cultural events January 13-20 to show the importance and impact that high quality arts experiences have on the health and vibrancy of our community. As part of this weeklong celebration, the Cultural Alliance will foot the bill for tickets to the January 16 York Story Slam.

You still have to reserve your tickets, but they are FREE. We typically sell out every month when tickets are NOT free, so we expect them to go fast. Get yours now before they're gone.

Guts & Glory

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Congratulations to Eileen Joyce, who won our 2017 Grand Slam. Eileen competed with all the other winners from this year's monthly open mic story slams and earned the title of Best Storyteller in York. The theme for the evening was GLORY DAYS, and more than 200 people were in the audience.

Eileen is pictured here with our Master of Ceremonies, 2016 Grand Slam champion Brad Jennings, and York Story Slam producer JJ Sheffer.

Watch all the videos from the Grand Slam here.

We appreciate the support this year from our friends Our York Media, who underwrote some of our expenses so that we could keep our ticket prices low. We are also grateful to work with an excellent team of vendors to produce our events and archive the stories: our photographer Isaac Edmondson Photography, sound guy/audio engineer extraordinaire Logan Summey of Third Leg Audio, videographer Randy Flaum, and Carla at Wilson Media Services, who produces our monthly podcast (click on PODCAST at the top of the page!). We also thank Holy Hound Taproom for giving us a home throughout the year and Appell Center for the Performing Arts for allowing us to host our Grand Slam in such a beautiful space.

Thank you to everyone who showed up this year to listen, and everyone who bravely put their names into the hat to share stories. Storytelling is a wonderful way to get to know others in your community; to uncover things you have in common with your neighbors, and to recognize and understand our differences. This is always a valuable opportunity, and it seems especially important in times like these.

We won’t have a story slam event in December – we'll be busy planning for next year. We'll continue to host our monthly events on the third Tuesday of the month in 2018. Please block it out on your calendar and make sure you’re on our email list (click on the Contact tab above to subscribe) and following us on social media so we can keep you in the loop when we announce the themes for next year.

Things That Go Bump In the Night

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Fright Night. We heard 10 stories - stories of frightening situations, near-death experiences, parents who traumatized their children with homemade Halloween costumes, and even one exorcism. Chris Diaz won with his story about his church community's feelings about a video game.

Chris is pictured here with this month's host, Caleb Robertson. Chris won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We announced the theme for our 2017 Grand Slam: GLORY DAYS.  We're excited to host it in the beautiful Capitol Theatre on November 21. Our MC for the evening will be our 2016 Grand Slam champion, Brad Jennings. Tickets are on sale now.

Our Inner Children Come Out to Play

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Child's Play. We heard 15 stories - stories from childhood, stories about caring for children, lessons learned from children, and stories about things that should have been easy - child's play - and were not. Phil Broder won with his story about his mother's recent passing, and the memories and feelings her death has brought to mind. 

Phil is pictured here with this month's host, Frank Melvin. Phil won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

And speaking of the Grand Slam, we proudly announced that this year's Grand Slam will once again be held in the beautiful Capitol Theatre, and our 2016 Grand Slam Champion Brad Jennings will host.

Tickets for our October story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Fright Night. This will be the last regular-season story slam of the year, and we'll announce the theme for our Grand Slam at the end of the evening.

Hunger Games

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Food Stories. We heard stories about eating, cooking, eating (or not) to make weight for wrestling, and wildlife being attracted to s'mores-sticky children asleep in their tents. Mike Pritchard won with his story about the time he and his friends invented a new food.

Mike is pictured here with this month's host, Heather Klinefelter. Mike won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our September story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Child's Play.

Sending Out An SOS

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Emergency! We heard stories about injuries and other medical emergencies, being trapped, overreacting, and even a couple of fires. Michelle Macera won with her story about a mystery involving an unseen intruder paying visits to her college apartment.

Michelle is pictured here with this month's host, Aaron Spangler. Michelle earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We were very pleased to introduce our new sponsor, Our York Media, who we're partnering with for the remainder of the 2017 season. In addition to underwriting some of our expenses to keep our ticket prices low, they'll be reposting the winning stories from our monthly events over on their website. We are thrilled to partner with this community-minded, storytelling-oriented business!

Tickets for our August story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Food Stories.

Fitting In...Or Not

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Square Peg. We heard stories about feeling out of place, searching and ultimately finding one's tribe, and sticking out for all the wrong reasons. Mary Lee won with her story about a club she longed to join in elementary school.

Mary is pictured here with this month's host, Carter Grimm. Mary won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our July story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is Emergency!

Play it Again...And Again, And Again

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme this month was Music to My Ears. We heard stories about playing music, listening to music, meeting a rock & roll hero, and hearing the highly-anticipated answer to a marriage proposal. Caleb Robertson won with his story about the dog that lived next door when he was in college.

Caleb is pictured here with this month's host, Aaron Lewis. Caleb won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our June story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is SQUARE PEG.

Tales of Community

Jason Minick

Jason Minick

The institution we've all known as the Strand Capitol Performing Arts Center is now the Appell Center for the Performing Arts. The center celebrated the rebrand with a weekend of live performances, workshops, tours, and other activities, including a very special Story Slam in the Capitol Theatre, hosted by our own JJ Sheffer. The theme was COMMUNITY, and the winner earned a spot in the York Story Slam Grand Slam in November.

First-time story slam participant Eric Menzer won with his story of the lessons he learned about community in the wake of family tragedy.

Eric won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from the Appell Center slam here.

Tickets for our May 16 story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is MUSIC TO MY EARS.

Nothing Adventured, Nothing Gained

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme for this month's story slam was The Great Outdoors. We heard stories about outdoor activities like camping, fishing, kayaking, caving, skydiving, and visits to national parks. Allison Witherow won with her story about her family learning to live on a 40-acre farm.

Allison is pictured here with this month's host, Eileen Joyce. Allison won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our May 16 story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is MUSIC TO MY EARS.

Lost in Translation

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Our theme for this month's story slam was FOREIGN SOIL. We heard stories about vacations, studying abroad, working abroad, living abroad, airport adventures, being in unfamiliar territory, and even one about an overseas adoption. Bryan R. Caine won with his story about visiting Ireland while studying James Joyce.

Bryan is pictured here with this month's host, Mike Pritchard. Bryan won an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets for our April 18 story slam are on sale now. Our events usually sell out in advance, so get your tickets now! The theme is THE GREAT OUTDOORS.

But Seriously...Just Burn That Sweatshirt

Jeff Lautenberger

Jeff Lautenberger

Our theme this month was LOVE LIFE. We heard stories about dating, relationships, love lost, appreciation for life itself, and even one about a sordid pizza delivery. Eileen Joyce won with her story about her struggles with flirting and interpreting signals from others.

Eileen is pictured here with this month's host - and January story slam winner - Matt McDunnell. Eileen received an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We recommend you get your tickets for our March story slam right away, since our events usually sell out in advance. The theme is FOREIGN SOIL. We are really looking forward to this one. Our friends at Lancaster Story Slam hosted a night with that theme last year, and it was one of our favorite story slams we've ever attended. (Check out those stories here.)

Our Second Season Has Begun

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

We hosted another sold-out story slam on January 17. Our theme this month was BLANK CANVAS. We heard stories about artistic endeavors and fresh starts with clean slates.

Matt McDunnell won with his story about his senior year of high school in a new town, trying to figure out why his new classmates were suspicious of him. Matt is pictured here with this month's host, Philip Given. Matt received an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Thanks to the Cultural Alliance of York County for including us in CelebrateArts, a weeklong celebration of the arts and culture amenities in York County.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

Tickets are on sale for our February story slam, and we recommend you get your tickets right away, since our events usually sell out quickly. The theme is LOVE LIFE.

Mark Your Calendar for Our 2017 Series

Isaac Edmondson Photography

Isaac Edmondson Photography

York Story Slam is ready for 2017! We will once again host our events on the third Tuesday of the month at Holy Hound Taproom. We've just announced the themes for this year's story slams. And we are pleased to announce that tickets for our January event will be FREE (reserve yours while they last!). Here's why...

With the help of York’s cultural community, the Cultural Alliance of York County will host the first ever “CelebrateArts” week of free cultural events January 15 through 21. CelebrateArts was created by the Cultural Alliance and their cultural partners to show the importance and impact that high quality arts experiences have on the health and vibrancy of our community. As part of this weeklong celebration, the Cultural Alliance and sponsor GLATFELTER Paper will foot the bill for tickets to the January 17 York Story Slam.

You still have to reserve your tickets, but they will be FREE. We typically sell out every month when tickets are NOT free, so we expect them to go fast. Get yours now before they're gone.

Brad Jennings Wins Our First-Ever Grand Slam

Photo by Isaac Edmondson Photography

Photo by Isaac Edmondson Photography

Congratulations to Brad Jennings, who won our first-ever Grand Slam. Brad competed with all the other winners from this year's monthly open mic story slams and earned the title of Best Storyteller in York. The theme for the evening was FULL CIRCLE, and we hosted the event in the Capitol Theatre in downtown York.

Brad (not Bradley, aka Brian) is pictured here with our Master of Ceremonies, Aaron Lewis, York Story Slam producer JJ Sheffer, and the badass trophy he won with his story about his poor choice of underwear as a high school athlete.

Watch all the videos from the Grand Slam here.

We thank the Strand Capitol Performing Arts Center for allowing us to host this event in the beautiful Capitol Theatre. We appreciate the support this year from The Beer Ace, who underwrote some of our expenses so that we could keep our ticket prices low. We were also fortunate to be the recipient of a Creative Impact Award from the Cultural Alliance of York County; that grant helped fund our startup expenses.

We are grateful to work with an excellent team of vendors to produce our events and archive the stories: photographers Isaac Edmondson Photography, Digital Ephemera Photography, and Jeff Lautenberger; sound guy/audio engineer extraordinaire Logan Summey of Third Leg Audio; York Storyman Randy Flaum, who records and produces our videos; and Carla at Wilson Media Services, who produces our monthly podcast (click on PODCAST at the top of the page!).

Thank you to everyone who showed up this year to listen, and everyone who bravely put their names into the hat to share stories. Storytelling is a wonderful way to get to know others in your community; to uncover things you have in common with your neighbors, and to recognize and understand our differences. This is always a valuable opportunity, and it seems especially important in times like these.

We won’t have a story slam event in December – we'll be busy planning for next year. We will continue to host our monthly events on the third Tuesday of the month in 2017. Please block it out on your calendar and make sure you’re on our email list and following us on social media so we can keep you in the loop when we announce the themes for next year.

...And I Would Have Gotten Away with It, Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Kids

Photo by Isaac Edmondson Photography

Photo by Isaac Edmondson Photography

The theme for our final open mic story slam of the year was UNMASKED. We heard stories about both literal and figurative masks.

Michelle Macera won with a story about how she exacted revenge on her on-again, off-again high school boyfriend. Michelle is pictured here with this month's host, Bryan R. Caine. Michelle received an exclusive York Story Slam journal from our friends at Story Supply Co. and earned the last spot in our Grand Slam in November.

Watch videos of all the stories from that night here.

We announced the theme for our 2016 Grand Slam: FULL CIRCLE.  We're excited to host it in the beautiful Capitol Theatre on November 15. Tickets are on sale now.